Scary, yet beautiful, yet scary…
Once an impregnable forest of huge ice blocks, the Northwest Passage has ? for the first time in recorded history ? become almost completely ice-free and open to navigation. Northwest Passage All But Ice-Free
It is… because I care…
Scary, yet beautiful, yet scary…
Once an impregnable forest of huge ice blocks, the Northwest Passage has ? for the first time in recorded history ? become almost completely ice-free and open to navigation. Northwest Passage All But Ice-Free
Yeah, yeah. We’ve all heard this one. Change out your incandescents for the more energy efficient CFLs. But how many of you are actually doing it?
Making the switch to CFLs (compact flourescent lamps) will result in noticeable savings in your electricity bill. Plus, they last longer, produce more light, and emit less heat.
Reuters – A thin winter green carpets Australia’s southeast hills and plains, camouflaging the onset of a drought catastrophe in the nation’s food bowl.
Cappuccino Coast: The day the Pacific was whipped up into an ocean of froth
It stretched for 30 miles out into the Pacific in a phenomenon not seen at the beach for more than three decades.
Scientists explain that the foam is created by impurities in the ocean, such as salts, chemicals, dead plants, decomposed fish and excretions from seaweed.
We posted earlier about the coming rush to exploit Arctic oil as the ice melts away; Stephen Colbert covers the issue effectively, noting that a) Bush says the Northwest Passage is international; b) Bush is the leader of the world; and c) therefore it belongs to America. Striking logic. Colbert on the Cold Rush
…It was a catch-22 when Portland’s Trellis Earth sent me a sample pack of their corn-based biodegradable bags to review. Simply put, this bag blows the other bag I was using out of the water. It comes in a variety of sizes, from small enough for a few pieces of fruit to
33-gallon commercial trash bags, and it’s remarkably sturdy–so much so that I easily carried out the entire contents of my cat’s litter box to the dumpster with no stretching or straining on the part of the bag. In fact, I’d test the strength of their 33-gallon bags against any traditional plastic trash bag. They also have a shopping-bag with handles, identical in size and shape to the pesky plastic bags you see blowing in the wind for businesses to use in lieu of traditional petroleum-based bags. – Scientists had predicted that global warming ought to increase rainfall in the tropics. Now NASA researchers say it has.
As Predicted, Global Warming Fuels More Tropical Rainfall (