AP – Global warming may be melting glaciers and forcing polar bears onto land, but doctors warn it could also affect your heart. “If it really is a few degrees warmer in the next 50 years, we could definitely have more cardiovascular disease,” said Dr. Karin Schenck-Gustafsson, of the department of cardiology at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute.
Archive for the 'Further Proof' Category Page 4 of 5
Story after story has shown global warming’s effects on everything from flowers to rivers to…kittens. However, this is the last straw – you don’t mess with a man’s cheese. NPR reports that many regional cheeses are changing in quality and taste as weather patterns have started to shift in cheese-making regions such as Vermont in North America and the French Alps in Europe. For cheesemakers, changing temperatures can cause changing diets for their cows: Warmer Summers Mean Changing Cheese
A little change of pace… Is this really Cupacabra?
AP – Phylis Canion lived in Africa for four years. She’s been a hunter all her life and has the mounted heads of a zebra and other exotic animals in her house to prove it. But the roadkill she found last month outside her ranch was a new one even for her, worth putting in a freezer hidden from curious onlookers: Canion believes she may have the head of the mythical, bloodsucking chupacabra.
Another case of American Government thinking they are better than the rest of the world for absolutely no reason other than to promote the crappy industries that destroy our environment and make politicians rich.
AP – The United States and Europe are working together to tackle global warming, the chief U.S. climate negotiator said Wednesday, deflecting growing criticism within the EU and the developing world over Washington’s perceived go-it-alone stance.
Photo credit: Frances Voon The residents of the Sundabarans, an alluvial archipelago spread across Bangladesh and West Bengal in India, harbor not a single doubt in their minds that climate change is real and is happening. They’ve seen it for themselves: In the past two decades alone, four of their islands have sunk into the sea, displacing 6,000 families from their villages. Rising sea levels, coastal erosion…