The scary thing is that this could work and save our energy crisis. The scarier thing is that this can backfire against the environment. Exactly what is burning off? The scariest thing, either way, I don’t think we’ll see this technology in our lifetime the way the politicians in the US are acting these days…
Read the full story with Video at: Can saltwater be burned as fuel? (via Engadget)
Want to protect your own corner of the planet? Check out some more examples, learn how to create your own layer and be sure to let us know what you come up with…
See the full story at Google’s LatLong Blog: Greener maps
Two of the many Examples:
Earth Outreach Showcase: Environment & Science
WWF Conservation Projects
The World Wildlife Fund is active in over 100 countries around the… Learn more
Real-time Ocean Data
Jeremy Cothran from Seacoos (South East U.S. Atlantic Coastal Ocean… Learn more
AP – Only a third of the world’s polar bears may be left within 50 years because of thinning sea ice from global warming in the Arctic, the U.S. Geological Survey said Friday.
Polar bear population expected to drop (AP)
This one is a little off… But growing your own vegetables and herbs definitely saves the environment (if done right), check this out…

Park Slope Now Has Mobile Greenhouses (via Curbed: NY)
See you there… FYI, Live Nation (.com) has 4 tickets for $100 (but buy before it sells out or offer ends, Friday at 7pm)
The city’s first Farm Aid concert in the 22 years will feature nearly two dozen roots-rock, country and jam bands, and also promote organic food production and consumption.
Music: Next Stop … Farm Aid
The “Doggie Dooley” is a “miniature septic tank” for your dog’s special presents. A galvanized steel bucket with a plastic top, the Doogie Dooley is placed in a hole in your yard, filled with waste, water, and a packet of enzymes and bacteria known as the “Digester Powder.” The treated liquid will seep out of the Doggie Dooley and into your yard, which it will presumably help, not hinder, the growth of grass. You have to add another packet of the Digester Powder every six months, but besides that it pretty much takes care of itself. Way more environmentally friendly than wrapping it up in plastic bags and tossing it in the trash. Not bad for thirty-three bucks. Doggie Dooley Pet Waste Disposal System [Petco]
Doggie Dooley Turns Pet Waste into Lawn Food (via Boing Boing: Gadgets)
Not that the UN is the best organization to start this, but it’s a start…
AFP – The United Nations on Wednesday launched a web portal to spur a market-driven trading service designed to help cut greenhouse gas emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.
UN launches web portal to help tackle global warming (AFP)