Archive for the 'Saving The Environment' Category Page 7 of 12

Solar Bottle solar-powered water purification bottle kills germs dead


Water purification is generally an energy-intensive, wasteful operation, but designers Alberto Medo and Francisco Gomez Paz have done a neat end-run around those problems with their Solar Bottle, a portable water bottle that purifies water using the sun. The bottle, which holds just over a gallon of water, uses a purification process called SODIS that takes six hours to kill off a whole host of baddies, including Oregon Trail favorites cholera, typhoid and dysentery. Just a concept for now, but the design has been well-received and won several awards, so hopefully someone will step up and take it into production soon.

Solar Bottle solar-powered water purification bottle kills germs dead

Hudson River Environmental Monitoring Goes High-Tech

hudson river environmental monitoring system 

Hudson River Environmental Monitoring Goes High-Tech

Pope leads eco-friendly festival

Young people play volley ball as they wait for the arrival of Pope Benedict near Loreto, Italy

The Catholic Church has declared Sunday “Save Creation Day” as Pope Benedict joined about 300,000 young Roman Catholics for an eco-friendly festival.

Nearly everything at the festival is biodegradable or recyclable.


We need a decisive ‘yes’ to care for creation and a strong commitment to reverse those trends that risk making the situation of decay irreversible  — Pope Benedict XVI

BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Pope leads eco-friendly festival

Agreement reached on greenhouse gas curb (AP)

The dried-up river bed of the Po in Boretto, Italy, in July 2007. Australian Prime Minister John Howard has said that Asia-Pacific countries will not agree on binding targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions at a major summit this week.(AFP/File/Giuseppe Cacace)AP – Negotiators from 158 countries reached basic agreement Friday on rough targets aimed at getting some of the world’s biggest polluters to reduce emissions of the greenhouse gases blamed for global warming.

Agreement reached on greenhouse gas curb (AP)

EPA Bans Most Toxic Chemical Ever Released into World’s Oceans – Forty Years Later

boat hull You’d think that a substance the EPA itself deems one of the most toxic ever released into the world’s waters would’ve been outlawed a long time ago, right? Well, you’d be wrong: only now, several decades after its harmful effects had already been well established, is tributyltin (TBT) expected to be banned. EPA Bans Most Toxic Chemical Ever Released into World’s Oceans – Forty Years Later

Indonesia proposes rainforest nations climate group

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono prays during a ceremony in Jakarta, on 17 Aug. By President's initiative, Indonesia has proposed that eight countries home to some 80 percent of the world's tropical rainforests join diplomatic ranks amid rising climate change concerns.(AFP/File/Jewel Samad)AFP – Indonesia has proposed that eight countries home to some 80 percent of the world’s tropical rainforests join diplomatic ranks amid rising climate change concerns, a senior official said Saturday.

Indonesia proposes rainforest nations climate group (AFP)

TreeHugger TV – Eco TV for TV Snobs


Sure – we advocate watching most TV on your well – TV. But TreeHugger TV is hard to miss, and if you have a Mac-Mini or other HTPC hooked up to your TV you can view countless hours of green – eco-friendly TV using your favorite internet browser. We really like the show on CO2 stuff and the show on FRESHTOPIA.

TreeHugger TV – Eco TV for TV Snobs

Wii the ‘Greenest’ of the Big Three Consoles

Don’t forget to visit my other blog The Fatty Talks for more Wii related news. 

Wii The San Jose Mercury News’ Dean Takahashi recently measured various bits of tech around his house to find out how “green” they were, and discovered that of the big three consoles, the Wii has the tiniest carbon footprint.

Using a device called a Kill A Watt, Takahashi learned that the Wii consumes just 17 watts of energy, compared to the PS3’s 171 watts and his 360 Elite’s 194 watts. To give you a bit of perspective, Takahashi’s 42-inch plasma TV (drool) burned 200 watts and his fully loaded Gateway FX530 gaming rig consumed 266 watts.

The worst offender in the house? The toaster, by far, eating up a monstrous 866 watts. Find out how green your home is with this

Wii the ‘Greenest’ of the Big Three Consoles