We?ve written plenty about the growing biofuel market and the rising concern over the sustainability of corn or wheat ethanol and soy biodiesel production. Here?s an A to Z of alternative materials and innovative processes that can turn that biomass into fuel. From milk-based ethanol, to termite intestines that help make biofuels, check out these 26 sources.
Apples: Fructose, the sugar found in apples and other fruit, can be converted into a fuel contains more energy than ethanol, say scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The fuel is called dimethylfuran or DMF, and it supposedly has a 40 percent greater energy density than ethanol.
Beer: Researchers at The University of Abertay Dundee?s School of Contemporary Sciences are investigating ways to turn waste residues from beer and whiskey making processes into biofuels. Meanwhile, the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, teamed up with Solix Biofuels to make use of the waste CO2 from the booze.
Continue reading more at: An A to Z of the Biofuel Economy
Yeah, yeah. We’ve all heard this one. Change out your incandescents for the more energy efficient CFLs. But how many of you are actually doing it?
Making the switch to CFLs (compact flourescent lamps) will result in noticeable savings in your electricity bill. Plus, they last longer, produce more light, and emit less heat.
Daily Tip: Change Your Light Bulbs
Solar power has plenty of applications for remote regions where the electricity grid is distant and the sun shines bright. The latest, comes from two-year-old startup Solis Energy, which is using solar generators to power Wi-Fi routers located, well, just about anywhere.
The Orlando, Fla.-based company makes solar generators and solar power supplies that power devices where electricity from the grid is unavailable. This makes it possible, for example, to power WiFi hotspots in remote locations or in regions hit by natural disasters. Solis is starting to pitch these portable solar generators to municipal Wi-Fi projects.
Solis Energy Uses Solar to Power WiFi
For full details on the Contests, please see each link or Earth2Tech did a great job of summarizing each one (including prizes) at Moneymaker: Green Video.
- :60 Seconds to Save the Earth
- Go Green Vespa Video Challenge
- Keen Footwear?s Stand Contests

Watch Summer Rayne Oakes on CNN’s Young People Who Rock live video here.
Oakes fills the viewers in on some of her current ventures, including The Ethical Fashion Show, the youth climate change movement, Power Shift 07, and the Be Carbon Neutral Campaign.

Summer Rayne Oakes for the Be Carbon Neutral Campaign
shot by Steve Brickles.
Summer Rayne Oakes talks to CNN on her work